985 020 775 info@sodimec.es

Turning rolls

Turning rolls: Conventional, self-aligning and special turning rolls for welding, jet, paint and metalizating purposes, in the land and marine wind sectors, oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical industries, so on…

All equipment complies with 2006/42/CE; 2014/30/UE and 2014/53/UE directives; the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation according to R.D. 842/2002 and depending on the application, the current regulation to operate in explosive atmospheres (ATEX)..

Conventional turning rolls

Grounded or translational conventional turning rolls.

From 5 to 500t load capability.

Steel and polyurethane-coated steel wheels (depending on its capability).

Under demand, they can dispose of an anti-helix automatic system.

Self-aligning turning rolls

Grounded or translational elf-aligning turning rolls.

From 10 to 1000t load capability.

Steel and polyurethane-coated steel wheels (in function of its capability).

Special turning-rolls

Grounded or translational conventional or self-aligning turning rolls tailored-made to customers needs regarding dimensions and capability.

Up to 3000t load capability.

Steel and polyurethane-coated steel wheels (in function of its capability).


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C/ Pacita Vigil nº 5 entresuelo F
33510 – Pola de Siero – ASTURIAS – SPAIN


+34 985 020 775